A guide on website blogging

We have developed a feature for our Vancouver & Calgary website templates to add a Blog on your website. This will enable you to have fresh new content on your website and help the search engines know that your website is current and kept up-to-date!

To enable Blogs on your website, your website must be using either Vancouver or Calgary website templates. For further information on this take a look at our article:  Switching to a new website template

To create your first blog, go to the Manage tab, click on the Website Blog sub tab and click New Blog Post.

Firstly, you are given the option to be able to set when you would like your Blog to be visible/published on the Website. 

Then fill out the Title of the article. Leave the URL blank, as this will populate based on the name of the article, and then you can edit this later if needed.

The Strapline is the key words a search engine will look at when typed by members of the public to match and bring them to your article. Therefore it is very important that these are filled out, but kept relatively simple. For example, for an article about New Tennis courts at our Demo Venue you could say 'New Tennis Courts for hire at Grange Park Demo Venue, Northampton, NN4'.  

The body is then the main bulk of the article, and you can also upload an image related to your article. 

A few ideas of content for your articles include: New clubs & classes starting, events, school events, partnership working, community matters, new facilities becoming available (such as an astro pitch) etc.  

This is an example of how the finished article can look, from our Grange Park Demo venue website: 

Once you are happy with your first article, you need to enable the blog feature on your website. This is done in the Manage Tab - Edit Website - Blog sub-tab.

Tick Yes to show the Blog Page and complete the Title, Meta Title and Meta Description that you would like to use on your Blog Page. The two Meta fields will again help a Search engine to link searches to your website. Then click Save at the top of the page.  You've now published your first article!!!

Going forward, you won't need to do the last part of this article as the Blog page is now permanently enabled on your website, unless you decide to switch it off.  Happy Blogging!