Client Self-Booking guide

Guide for clients to manage their bookings online 

With BookingsPlus you can allow your clients to book their own sessions online, via their client account. 

This quick and simple booking tool means they can book sessions with you out of normal office hours, at a time which may be more convenient for them, online and on the go!

If you would like your clients to benefit from Self-Booking, contact our Helpdesk to have this feature activated at your venue(s): 

Once that's activated, you can send the below information to them as a step by step guide... 

1. Login to the system 

Login via  

If you forget your password, there's a link to reset your password on that login page.

Once logged in, your Dashboard will be visible. From here you’ll be able to see any actions required (bookings to confirm, invoices to pay etc).

If you wish to change your password at any point, click on the blue button with your name (top right of your screen) and select 'Edit Account'.

You are required to accept the venue’s booking Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before your account is fully functional. If you wish to read a copy of the document, simply click to download. Once you’re happy and ready to sign, tick to accept.

2. Confirm existing bookings

Any provisional bookings which have been made by the administrator will be visible on your dashboard.

You are required to check and confirm these bookings – to do this, click ‘View’ next to the booking. This will take you to the detail of the booking.

Once you’ve checked the dates/times/room which have been booked for you, click the green ‘confirm’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Please repeat this step for all provisional bookings which appear on the dashboard.

3. Check availability and make new bookings

You’re able to check room availability and make new bookings via the ‘Calendar’ tab.

If you hire at multiple BookingsPlus venues, click the drop-down option at top right of screen to select the correct venue.

The calendar will show your bookings in green, as well as any unavailable slots in red.

To view room information, click on the room name (in blue) to the left of the calendar view.

If the room has a * after the name it means that it is a 'slotted space', where availability is restricted to a block, rather than being able to select the start and end time. The Slots that are set up against that venue will show at the top of the calendar table:

To make a new booking, click and drag on the time you require against the room name. This will take you to a page to see the Booking Summary, and give you the option to either Book to create the booking for one date, or Refine Search to add additional occurrences. 

If you select a slotted room, it will default to the slot that covers the time frame you selected:

If you would like to make it a recurring booking, click the Refine Search button. The screen will be pre-filled with previous selections, simply select the recurrences required and click ‘Check availability’. The full selection of dates will be shown, any dates in green are available, red indicates unavailable. If dates are unavailable you can click Refine search again, select another suitable space and check availability again. 

Slotted rooms will show the available blocks here, rather than a start and end time:

Once you are happy with all of the dates shown, scroll to the bottom of the page to enter a short description of the activity taking place, enter a Purchase Order (if required), tick to agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Book.

Once the booking has been made, you’ll receive a confirmation email and the venue will arrange an invoice for the booking.

All your bookings can be viewed via the ‘Bookings’ tab.  All your invoices can be viewed via the ‘Invoices’ tab.

4. Edit or cancel existing bookings

To edit a single booking, locate the booking from the 'Calendar' tab. Click the booking and amend the space and time, on the pop-up form.

From the calendar page, you’re also able to drag and drop your booking into another room and drag to change the times. Both of these actions will create the pop-up to confirm your changes:

For Slotted rooms, again the start and end time will be replaced by all slots set up for that date:

To edit a recurring booking, click on the bookings tab. From the detailed view, you can use the filters to locate your booking. Alternatively, switch to the summary view to see a high level list of your bookings.

From the booking form (shown below), you’ll be able to edit each line item as required. Cancellations can be made from the same screen. 

Please note: you’ll be unable to cancel if your booking is in the past or less than 48 hours away.

Should you wish to cancel multiple booking lines, or the entire booking, contact the administration team for that venue and they can make those changes for you. 

If on the 'Check Availability' page you are given a total payable now, and once you click to create your booking it is showing as Tentative; then your venue will have set up Instant Payment. This means you will be required to pay for this and past calendar months, before securing your bookings. View our Knowledge Owl here for further information on this.