Instant Pay Feature: Booking changes for Administrators

What is a tentative booking?
Once you have Instant pay set up at your venue, you will now notice a couple more small changes to the bookings system to cater for Tentative bookings.  A tentative booking is one that is currently in progress by a client i.e. they are in the process of making payment for this booking.  Due to this, you are unable to edit or cancel a tentative booking.

In the Calendar, the key in the top left hand-side of the page will now include Tentative bookings, so that you can identify them when they show here. Tentative bookings will only show for up to 1 hour (if this is their expiry time) after they are created by a Self-Service client, or where a Provisional booking has been 'Confirmed' but not Paid by a Client, at which point if a successful payment has not been processed by the client, the bookings will be deleted or returned back to Provisional. If the payment has been processed it will then change to a confirmed booking.

Bookings Tab
In the Bookings tab you will also now have a filter for Tentative bookings in the Status drop-down. This allows you to quickly identify any Tentative bookings that may exist at the time of searching in the Bookings tab.    

Please note that tentative bookings have an expiry time set to 1 hour by default.  If you would like to set a different expiry time, please get in touch and we will amend for you.

Quick note about a small change to the client settings on the client page
For simplicity, we have moved all of the Client settings to one place on the edit client form, under the header Client Settings. Depending on whether you have Instant pay or Self service settings set up at your venue will depend on whether you see all of the below options, otherwise you will just see the options for 'Non-Billable client' and 'Exclude from Automated Invoicing':