Adding venue documents

You can add a PDF document to your clients online account, visible as a download link on their dashboard.  

This can be useful where you would like to communicate additional information to your clients that do not form part of your terms and conditions.  Or if you would like to include the document as a link from your terms and conditions, you can do this too, as the PDF, will have its own unique URL.  Fire evacuation procedures, site maps etc might all be good to be uploaded separately for your clients to view if required.

To set this up, click on the Manage tab >    Client login tab.  Scroll down to the Venue documents section, and enter the text for the hyperlink that the client will be able to click on to download the document.  Click to choose the file that you want to display in the clients account.  Please note that this needs to be a PDF file and we recommend no more than 2mb in size to keep download speeds optimum.

Scroll up to the top of the page and click  the document will now display on the dashboard of your clients accounts, as below:

If you need to remove or edit the document, you are able to do so in the Manage tab >    Client login tab.  Simply upload a new file, or click to remove, and choose save.