Bulk Editing VAT rates for Clients

Master Venue Admins are able to bulk edit all existing billable client's VAT Rates.

This is done easily from the "Clients" tab, using the 'VAT Bulk Edit' button at the top of the tab:

On the popup you can easily select the rate you would like to change clients from, and select the rate you would like to change clients to:

When you have selected your rates and clicked 'Update Clients' please allow for the system to finish the task before you click away from the popup or try to amend any further rates.

Once finished all existing billable clients with the 'From' VAT rate will now have changed as requested. To check this for any clients select 'Edit' for a client on the "Clients" tab - you will be able to see and make any further amendments to the VAT here:

Any future bookings you make for this client, will automatically populate with this rate.  You can still change the rate of VAT on any booking though so you retain full control of what you want to charge to the client.  If your client is allowed to make their own bookings, then this new VAT rate will be used for any new future bookings they make.

Please note: the update routine does not amend any Archived or Non-Billable Clients