Cancel a booking

There are a number of ways to cancel a Hirer's booking within BookingsPlus.  This is our recommended way - it does all the cancellations, communication & credit notes (if required) in just a few clicks, meaning it's easy for you. It's also easily understood for the Hirer.

Select the Bookings tab.

Amend  to include the dates you are wishing to cancel.

Type your hirer's name in the search box (make sure it's the correct client incase you have a few with similar names!) and click Go. 

Tick the boxes for the bookings you wish to cancel.  Note - if there are more than 20 bookings, click to show 50 or 100 entries.  

Click the  button.

You will then see a pop-up allowing you to notify the customer and raise credit notes for any bookings that are Invoiced. 

If you select to notify client by email, they will receive an itemised cancellation email (example below).  This email is based on the standard text for your venue.  It may be appropriate to amend this email for this specific occasion.  See Amend Automated Emails for assistance on how to do this.

If any of the bookings are billed, an option to raise credit notes is given.  This raises one credit note per customer (showing all the cancelled bookings).

If a credit note is raised, this will be shown on screen & you will be able to allocate it directly to an invoice.

If you choose to not Credit note an Invoiced booking, once cancelled, it will show on the bookings tab. This will be shown by a  on the left hand side. It will also still show on the Bookings Value Report with the Status Cancelled.