Instant Pay Feature: Client account process for Creating a Tentative booking

Please take a look at our article General Client Account Upgrade first, to understand the changes in the process flow of making bookings from the calendar.

Before paying for bookings, clients will be able to see a Summary of the costs, and on some bookings a Pay as you go option. The Pay as you go option appears on bookings that either start in the current month and recur into a future month, or start in a future month. If the Pay as you go option is not ticked, the client will need to pay in full for the booking.  If the Pay as you go option is ticked the client will need to pay for any bookings within the current calendar month, in order to confirm the whole booking. 

The Summary below that will then show how much the booking costs, and how much they need to pay now, in order to complete the booking.

When a client clicks to 'Book', a tentative booking will be created and this will be reserved for the client for 1 hour (the expiry time).  Whilst it is unbilled, they will be able to Edit and Cancel items (see below), however once they click to pay, a Tentative invoice will be automatically created for this, and they will be unable to Edit or Cancel items at this stage, as they have committed to the booking/payment.

On clicking to pay, they will be taken to a Stripe payment page, to be able to enter their card details. 

When the payment is made and successful, they will be taken back to their booking and will be informed that their booking is now confirmed. 

If the payment was unsuccessful or there was an issue with the card, Stripe will inform them on the payment page, and allow them to change their payment details. If they click back out of the Stripe page, they will see that their booking is Tentative and can view the Tentative Invoice.

After 1 hour if a Tentative invoice has not been paid it will automatically be voided and the bookings contained within it will be cancelled. The Voided invoice will display a message that the ‘Instant payment was not received within 1 hour’. From the Bookings tab or calendar any client will now be able to book that slot/time. 

Once the booking has been processed, the client user that Confirmed the booking and any Client Users attached to the account with the email setting 'Booking' selected will receive a Booking confirmation email. (The below is an example template, to amend email text go to Manage Tab-Edit Venue-Emails-Booking Confirmation Email )

If at your venue you have the option selected to receive emails once the client confirms their booking, you will also receive an email notification. See our article on setting up instant pay at your venue for more information on checking this here

Also, from the bookings tab clients will now have a Tentative option within the Status filter, allowing them to quickly spot any remaining tentative bookings that require action or any being processed.

If a self-service client has a booking for a future month and Payment was not made when confirming, if they then they want to edit the booking to be in the current month, they will see a message instructing them that the changes will mean that they have to pay for the booking now. If they save the booking an invoice will be created, and be due for payment.