Add a manual payment

Manual payments (any method of payment other than GoCardless or Stripe) can easily be added to BookingsPlus

This means you can still accept BACS, cheques and cash from your hirers if you choose.

To add a manual payment, follow these steps:

- Identify which client has made the payment & access their client account

- Scroll to the bottom of their client page & click 

- Complete screen below with full details.  Click on 'Apply to Invoice' and a drop down list of all unpaid invoices will be shown.  

You can only allocate to one invoice at a time.  If you need to allocate to more than one invoice, then select the payment once it appears on the client account.

The pop-up box below will appear showing the payment & invoices it has already been allocated to, you will then be able to allocate the remainder of the payment.

Watch our video tutorial: