Bulk invoicing

Here's the steps to follow when it's time to do your monthly invoice run:

  • Select the Invoices tab
  • Click on the button in the top right corner
  • Choose the dates you wish to invoice for and click.  A draft invoice will be raised for each client for all the confirmed bookings in that period that haven't yet been invoiced.
  • You will then be taken to the Draft Invoices sub-tab and be able to view the invoices created.   

TIP Invoices will continue to load until the loading symbol next to the Generate Invoices button disappears.  All should be generated within a few seconds but it will depend on how many you have!

  • From here, you are able to view individual invoices if required prior to sending.
  • Invoices can be sent on an individual basis by selecting the required invoices and clicking
  • Alternatively, click on  to send all invoices.  

TIP to ensure that your client accounts are up to date, complete the following steps once you've invoiced:

  • From the Credit Notes tab, allocate any unallocated credit notes 
  • From the Payments tab, filter the page by 'Unallocated' and ensure that any unallocated payment are applied to the recent invoice