Invoice Notes

We know that sometimes it can be hard work to keep on top of debtors!  So we have a great feature on BookingsPlus to help with this.

On each invoice, there is now an option to add notes as well as a reminder.  The notes section can be used to track all your interaction with the client regarding the invoice, ensuring that your debtor chasing is efficient & documented.

These invoice notes do not appear on any printed copies of invoices & are not visible to your hirers.

To add a note to the invoice simply click on the invoice (from either the client account or invoices tab).  Scroll down to the bottom of the invoice and click 

A pop-up box will appear, click on the 'contact by' drop down box to choose your contact method, then add your note in the field below.  Once done, click 'create'.

Once saved, your note will appear at the bottom of the invoice, along with your name/date & time for audit purposes.

If you have added notes to an invoice, then the most recent note will appear on your Unpaid Invoices report.

Reminders can also be added by clicking .  There will be a banner at the top of the invoice to indicate a reminder has been set & the reminder can also be viewed/action from the Reminders tab.