Adding Host Details to a booking

We have now introduced the option of adding host details to a booking, so that it is easy to see what person (host) will actually be attending onsite on the day of the booking, and so that their contact details are accessible if needed.  The host (as well as the users with the booking role) will also receive booking confirmation emails and cancellation emails.  This means there is less risk of them not turning up or attending when the booking has been cancelled.

ACTION: Populate new email templates

To enable the host functionality to work, there are 3 new email templates, that need populating. These can be found and populated in the Manage area - Manage > Edit Venue > Emails. 

Use of the host feature is optional and the feature will become accessible once the above email templates are populated. If you do not wish to use this feature then simply leave these templates blank! This will mean that when you create or edit a booking, the host information fields will be greyed out - 

Once the above templates are populated you are then ready to start adding host details to your bookings!

Adding host details to bookings:

When creating or editing a booking the host details section at the bottom of the form can be populated as needed, you don't need to populate these for all bookings, just when relevant.

Booking Confirmation Emails:

When saving the booking, the provisional email will go out to the client users ticked for booking emails only.  The host does not receive these. When the booking gets confirmed a copy of the host booking confirmation email will be sent out to the host to make them aware of this, as well as the normal booking confirmation emails that the client users on the account receive.

The host information is then visible when viewing the booking as both an administrator -

and as a client -

Booking Cancellation Emails:

When a booking is cancelled, and you choose to notify via email, the host will also receive the cancellation email.