Confirming a provisional booking (Hirer)

Your hirers are able to view & confirm their bookings within BookingsPlusThis means that they will have to accept your T&C's and Privacy Policy, and also take responsibility for checking the dates/times/spaces included within their booking.

When they log onto their account, they will see the Dashboard tab. They will need to accept Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy before their 'Bookings' or 'Invoices' become visible. 

If the client tries to view invoices/bookings before they have accepted the T&C's, a red banner will appear across the top of the page.  As soon as they have clicked to accept the T&C's and Privacy Policy, they will be able to see any 'Provisional Bookings' or 'Outstanding Invoices' on the 'Dashboard', as well as being able to navigate freely around the other tabs.

To confirm a booking, click on View hyperlink alongside the booking.  

From this screen, they are able to scroll up/down the full list of dates under that booking.  If they are correct, they can click to .  If amendments are required, these can only be done by an administrator.  As soon as the bookings are confirmed by the hirer, this will update on your system by an entry appearing on the 'Dashboard', the status updating to 'Confirmed' & the calendar booking showing as 'Confirmed'.

If your venue has Instant Pay switched on, clients will also see a "Pay as you Go" option when confirming. Find out more about how hirers can confirm their bookings when this option is switched on here!

With Self-Booking activated as well, hirers can amend/cancel line items within their booking before confirming. Read through this article to see what clients can alter with this activated.