How to set up the IRIS Sales Invoice and Credit Note Report at your venue:
First, get in touch with our customer service team at, and they will discuss the trial options for the report, and switch on this functionality at your venue.
Once it has been switched on, you will need to go to your Manage Tab - Edit Venue Button - and select the new Accounting sub-tab.
Here you will need to populate all fields on the page to pull through and populate on the report.
For example:
Next, click on the Billing sub-tab (also within the Edit Venue button) and ensure that the 'Start of Financial year' is set correctly for the venue.
For example:
Finally, click on the Client's tab and click Edit on a client account. In order to get a client specific reference to populate on the report, you will need to populate the 'Client reference' field for each client account necessary.
For example:
Now you will be able to run the report for up to 12 months. You can run 1 report manually from the reports tab, or set the report up to come through automatically on set dates & times - for information on how to do this, see our Scheduled Reports guide
For manual reports, once you've selected the report in the dropdown, you will notice on the reports tab that you only get the option to receive the report by email. This is as the report may take a few moments to be created by the system, so will be sent to your user email, and any other emails you enter in the CC field.
Please note; if you have Instant Pay set up at your venue, Tentative Invoices and Voided Tentative invoices (when voided by the system as the payment was not received in time) will not show on the report. For further information on Instant Pay, please take a look at our article here.
Also, if at any point you would like to update your Invoice/Credit note prefix in the Billing tab, and would like this prefix to update for all past Invoices/Credit notes on the PSF report, please contact our customer service team on and we will be able to amend this.
If you have any queries about the report, please don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll be more than happy to help.