Update your T&C's

It's good practice to update your Terms & Conditions at least every 12 months.  Once this is done, it's quick & easy to to revise it and have your hirers re-accept.

Select the [Manage] tab and select .  From here, click on [Client Login].  On the right hand side is a section for Terms & Conditions.  

You can amend the body of the Terms and Conditions by using the scroll function on the right hand side to find the relevant text. Once you are happy with your amendments it may be worth typing at the bottom of the page when these were last updated. Please also ensure that all three text boxes (Title, Note for User and the body of text) remain populated in order to correctly display.  

Then click Save at the top of the page. 

The Terms and Conditions above will display in the clients login area. 

Please remember that any amendments to the form above will mean all clients are required to re-accept the new terms. 

It is easy to see on the client account whether they have accepted the latest version.

Watch our video tutorial: