If you incorrectly enter a manual payment this cannot be deleted, for audit reasons. To remove the credit balance from the clients accounts, you will need to create a refund.
The first step is to ensure the payment is not allocated to an invoice. You can see this by looking at the payment on the Clients account:
To un-allocate it click on the 'payment'. A pop-up box will appear. On the pop-up box you will see a blue 'Remove' link next to the invoice it is allocated to. Click 'Remove' to un-allocate it from the invoice.
You will then need to create a manual refund with the exact same value as the payment. The button can be found at the bottom of the Client's account page. Enter the value and in the Notes box write that it is 'A refund in order to cancel out an incorrect payment' and write the date for an audit trail. Then click
You will now need to allocate this to the payment. Again on the client's account page, click on the 'payment' and under the header 'apply to refund' select the refund you just created from the drop down box and click
You will then be able to raise a new correct manual payment and re-allocate to the invoice.
Watch our video tutorial on how to apply a refund to a hirers account: