If a past booking is accidentally cancelled it is likely to have been invoiced and paid. Unfortunately in the system there is no undo button so the bookings will need to be reinstated.
If a booking has been accidentally cancelled from the system the first thing to check is if a credit note has been raised.
If a credit note has been raised this means the bookings value for that booking will match up against the invoice. In this case put the booking back in and confirm it (opt not to send confirmations to the customer to avoid confusion). You will now need to unallocate the credit note and any payments from the old invoice and click on the original invoice and credit note. Create a new invoice for the same date range as the original invoice and allocate the payment against it.
However if this is not the case there is a process you will need to follow in order to reinstate this booking, there will be invoices that match, and payments that link to the invoices.
Go to the Bookings tabs, filter by dates, search the clients name and change the filter 'Status' to ‘Cancelled’ to be able to see all bookings that were cancelled in error. It may then be useful to go to the [Clients] tab, click View and note down every invoice reference that relates to the cancelled bookings.
You will then want to put the bookings back in the system based on what was previously invoiced. The easiest way to do this would be to go to the [Bookings] Tab, click and re-raise all deleted dates in one booking and click . Please ensure all of the costs of the bookings match as they were previously invoiced. If you are planning on confirming these yourself we would advise not sending the provisional to the customer as this may create confusion if they are asked to confirm previously confirmed and invoiced dates.
You will then want to click on the booking and confirm it. You can do this from the calendar – click on one of the dates, click confirm, and confirm the whole booking. Again it is up to as the administrator if you send a notification to the client, as it may cause confusion.
You will notice now that the bookings will now say that they are un-billed. However as invoices will have been raised previously you will need to the old invoices in order to raise new invoices, so that they will link directly to the bookings.
The first step is to go to the clients account, click on all of the payments that link to the invoices you are wanting to void, and remove them by clicking Remove.
You will be able to see if this is successful as all payment that you have needed to remove will show as unallocated on the clients account.
You will then need to void the invoices.
Click on each invoice individually – at the bottom of each invoice there will be a red VOID button – click this and in the pop up write ‘Invoiced bookings deleted in error. Invoices to be re-raised’ and click save.
Now when you re-raise the invoices there will not be duplicate invoices billing a client for the same booking. Raise the invoices as they were originally raised – so for example if you invoice monthly you will need to raise separate invoices for all of Septembers and Octobers dates. This will ensure that the payments will match the invoices.
You will then have all bookings invoiced. You will now need to re-attach each payment to the invoices – do this by clicking on the clients account, click on each payment individually and allocate it to the corresponding invoice in the dropdown box, and click save.