Booking categories

Booking categories help to decipher and classify different types of bookings They are also very useful to analyse bookings for tax purposes, such as to understand how much bookings value is associated with bookings that are not classed as ‘primary purpose’.

To create a new or edit an existing booking category go to the  tab in the top right hand side of your screen and scroll down to the Booking Categories.

The below is an example of different types of booking categories you could have. Also consider whether having categories called 'New Bookings' or 'Regular bookings' may help to identify conversion of enquiries. 

To edit an existing Category name click Edit, change the name and click  

To Create a New Booking Category click  type the name and click . It's that simple! 

Then when creating a booking, you can select a category from the Category drop down at the top of the Booking Form:

You will then be able to filter by these on the Bookings Value, Bookings Information and Cancelled Bookings Reports, as well as at the top of the Bookings Tab: 


If you have any questions about Bookings Categories, or would like any further information please don't hesitate to get in touch with our helpdesk on or give us a ring on 01604 677764