An enquiry can be received via your website, or added manually by the administrator, and is listed on the Enquiries tab.
Once you've added your enquiry to BookingsPlus, you can get a clear idea of the availability of your chosen sessions. Click on Toggle details half way down the form on the right, and then enter the space/dates/times you would like to check, and add any recurrence required. Click
The Enquiry details table will show the results of your search. Lines in green are available, lines in red are either booked or the venue is closed.
It's easy to amend the results. In the example above, 2 sessions were unavailable for different reasons.
- Item 1 - Booked by another hirer.
Why not see if you can offer an alternative court that day? To do this select the pencil icon , amend the details in the drop down options and . The results of the new search will appear in the table, if it is unavailable it will be red and you can repeat the process.
- Item 2 - Venue Closed.
In this scenario, it's likely you would just cancel that weeks booking. To do this, click on the red cross and the session will be deleted.
If you need to edit multiple lines at once, you can use the check boxes on the left to choose the relevant dates, then use the to toggle editing a series of lines together!