Bookings & Cancellations

All aspects of creating, amending and cancelling Bookings


Make a provisional booking
It's time to make a booking!    If you've had an Enquiry, then simply click on   All of the information below will be carried forward. If it's for an existing hirer, select the space & date/time from the calendar & click B   . The booking fo...
Confirm a booking
Once you've got a Provisional booking in the calendar, it needs to be confirmed in order for it to appear on your Activity/Attendance reports for site staff & also to raise an invoice. Best practice is for your hirers to confirm their own bookin...
Non-Billable client
There is an option in   BookingsPlus to create a Non-Billable client.  Any bookings which do not need to be charged for during opening hours need to be added to   BookingsPlus to limit disruption and to ensure Administrators and Site Staff a...
Editing a booking
As bookings rarely stay the same, we've made it really easy to edit a booking in BookingsPlus. There are a number of ways to do this - firstly, if you are only looking to edit one occurrence, you can do so via the Calendar or Bookings tab. On the...
Cancel a booking
There are a number of ways to cancel a Hirer's booking within  BookingsPlus .  This is our recommended way - it does all the cancellations, communication & credit notes (if required) in just a few clicks, meaning it's easy for you. It's also easi...
Bulk cancel bookings
What happens if you need to cancel all your bookings tonight due to snow?  Or maybe your Sports Hall is out of use for a week while the floor is sanded?  No problem! In  BookingsPlus  you can cancel the bookings & raise the credits with just a ...
Cancel a booking from the calendar
You are able to cancel bookings directly from the Calendar tab.  There's a few things to bear in mind when using this method, so the examples below will illustrate this. TIP -  the recommended cancellation method is via the Bookings tab....
Renewing a booking
Once a booking comes to the end of it's recurrence, you will need to renew it for the hirer to continue their lettings.  We've developed a renewals function, which allows you to select the current booking, click to renew and the booking form will b...
Editing a Billed Booking
There may be occasions whereby amendments need to be made to a booking after it has been invoiced.  You will notice that on a Billed Booking you can only change the room so a few steps need to be taken in order to be able to edit it. Firstly, yo...
Invoiced bookings cancelled in error
If a past booking is accidentally cancelled it is likely to have been invoiced and paid. Unfortunately in the system there is no undo button so the bookings will need to be reinstated. If a booking has been accidentally cancelled from the system ...
Publish an event on What's On page
Your website is an integral part of the BookingsPlus system - it's a great way to showcase your facilities as well as the activities which are happening in your venue.  This offers a marketing opportunity to your hirer's, ensuring their classes rem...
Adding Host Details to a booking
We have now introduced the option of adding host details to a booking, so that it is easy to see what person (host) will actually be attending onsite on the day of the booking, and so that their contact details are accessible if needed.  The host (a...
Updating VAT on a Booking
With the proposed changes to the UK's VAT rates, we have updated how you can set VAT at your venue, both on Client's accounts and for New and Existing Bookings. Instead of the old text box, our new drop-down option allows you to quickly and easily ...
Bulk editing VAT rates for Bookings
For Master Venue Admins, we have introduced new functionality to update multiple existing unbilled bookings from one VAT rate to another. To do this, simply go to the Bookings tab, click the 'VAT Bulk Edit' button in the top right: Then select ...