
All topics connected with raising invoices.


Client invoicing
Once your client has confirmed the booking, it's time to move onto invoicing: To invoice at client level: - Use the Client tab to select the client you wish to invoice and click View - Scroll to the bottom of the client page - Click on the...
Bulk invoicing
Here's the steps to follow when it's time to do your monthly invoice run: Select the Invoices tab Click on the  button in the top right corner Choose the dates you wish to invoice for and click .  A draft invoice will be raised for each clie...
Weekly invoicing
Weekly invoicing can be a common request, particularly for football groups .   By raising them weekly, this allows the client to pay the invoice via GoCardless, reducing the need for you to collect their cash on a weekly basis. We'd recommend tha...
Invoicing tips
We recommend the following to make sure your invoicing is as accurate as possible: Raise your invoices at the same time each month.  This will benefit your customers, as they will know when to expect the invoices & also help with your administ...
Invoice Notes
We know that sometimes it can be hard work to keep on top of debtors!  So we have a great feature on BookingsPlus to help with this. On each invoice, there is now an option to add notes as well as a reminder.  The notes section can be used to tr...
Adding a Purchase Order
To add a Purchase Order to a booking: To do this go to the Clients tab – locate your client & click View   – Click on the relevant booking  – Click  at the bottom of the page. At the top of the Bookings form you will see the following:...
Credit notes
When cancelling a booking that has been invoiced you will want to raise a credit note.  This can be done before or after payments have been made but require a slightly different process.  Credit notes can either be viewed on the clients account pa...
Invoice not generating
If you are trying to generate an invoice but it isn't appearing, here's a few steps you can take to identify why.  Firstly, ensure the booking is not still provisional as only a confirmed booking can be invoiced. This can be checked by going to...
Automated invoicing
Automated Invoicing   You can now do your invoicing, even when you are not sat at your desk!  Automated invoicing gives you the tools to generate your invoices at a set time, on a set day, for Previous, Current or Next calendar months. You then...