

Add a manual payment
Manual payments (any method of payment other than GoCardless or Stripe) can easily be added to BookingsPlus .  This means you can still accept BACS, cheques and cash from your hirers if you choose. To add a manual payment, follow these steps: ...
What is GoCardless?
GoCardless is our fully integrated online payment solution.  Offering this payment method to your hirers ensures that there is no manual intervention required from yourselves from the point you raise the invoice, until you receive the money in y...
Online payment options
Online payments are an integral part of BookingsPlus It not only makes it easier for your hirers, it reduces your administration, requiring no further interaction from yourselves from the point you raise the invoice until the money arrives in ...
Failed Payment
When a payment fails there are a few key steps you need to take.  All payments made via GoCardless can take up to 10 working days to clear from Pending to Paid. It is most likely that the payment will fail at the end of this process, as it is at ...
Correcting a manual payment and Refunds
If you incorrectly enter a manual payment this cannot be deleted, for audit reasons. To remove the credit balance from the clients accounts, you will need to create a refund.  The first step is to ensure the payment is not allocated to an invoice. ...
Paying an invoice by GoCardless (Hirer)
Paying an Invoice on BookingsPlus is easy with our built in payment gateways. Choose from GoCardless  or Stripe  (or both!) to make collecting payments more efficient for you and your clients.  Remember that only the full invoice amount can be ...
GoCardless Invoice Information
GoCardless Invoice Information. As GoCardless charge a fee that is taken out per transaction, the amount that you receive into you bank will not match the amount you invoiced the customer. Therefore, it can be useful to know exactly what amoun...
Deposits and Refunds
Deposits: There are two ways you can take a deposit depending on whether you are taking a part-payment deposit or a security deposit. A part-payment deposit is taken when the booking is initially confirmed, and will not be refunded as it is a par...
Payments requiring attention
Payments Dashboard feature You are able to easily track payments made through GoCardless or Stripe that have either failed, been cancelled, or require double signatures.   This table works in a very similar way to the ‘Bookings due for renewa...