New Articles

  1. Your 3 key steps to mastering BookingsPlus

  2. Understanding Your Calendar

  3. Have you reviewed your venue's terms and conditions recently?

  4. Your Reporting Suite Awaits

  5. Populating Website Categories

    Your BookingsPlus website is fully customisable to ensure it shows off your facilities to their best advantage.  The website categories on your homepage can be customised to ensure they are relevant to your venue and the spaces you have availabl...
  6. Adding additional price types

    In addition to the Standard and Concessionary price types on a bookable space, you can create hourly rates via the Manage tab, to record multiple prices against a space for bookings.  To set this feature up, click into the  [ Manage] tab, and scr...
  7. Adding Client Flags

    Client flags give the administrator the ability to flag certain clients and be able to draw attention where they may be an issue, or just that there is something different about that account. For example; it may be the case that that client is owing...
  8. A guide on website blogging

    We have developed a feature for our Vancouver & Calgary website templates to add a Blog on your website. This will enable you to have fresh new content on your website and help the search engines know that your website is current and kept up-to-date...
  9. Deposits and Refunds

    Deposits: There are two ways you can take a deposit depending on whether you are taking a part-payment deposit or a security deposit. A part-payment deposit is taken when the booking is initially confirmed, and will not be refunded as it is a par...
  10. GDPR & Privacy Policies

    Following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation which was implemented on 25th May 2018, we have been making changes to BookingsPlus to ensure we are compliant and also give you the ability to manage your clients data. Please...