Popular Articles

  1. Banners

    Got a fence? Get a banner! Banners are a great way of reaching out to your local community.  They are eye-catching & low cost.   Below is an example of a banner.  Your logo, school name and contact details should appear prominently as belo...
  2. Changing your default venue

    BookingsPlus   will select one venue as your 'default' venue.  If you wish to change this, it's straightforward.   Just log-in using your existing details.  Once logged in, click on the blue button in the top right hand side with your name & ...
  3. The renewals process

    If you have annual bookings we would recommend booking these in to all start and finish around the same time.  We would suggest either academic year or calendar year. We follow this process in our Northampton BookingsGuru office and have found...
  4. How to create an advert

    As part of your website's What's On page, you can also promote a class or bookable space using adverts.  These are independent of bookings and can be a great way to showcase any one-off events, new classes or groups you are working closely with.   ...
  5. Troubleshooting - Hirer not receiving emails

    If your hirer isn't receiving BookingsPlus emails, follow our troubleshooting guide to identify the issue: STEP 1 - Check their email address is correct on their User ID - Select the C lients tab, search and View your client - Click the ID...
  6. A guide on website blogging

    We have developed a feature for our Vancouver & Calgary website templates to add a Blog on your website. This will enable you to have fresh new content on your website and help the search engines know that your website is current and kept up-to-date...
  7. Add Room tags to use the 'Check Availability Across Venues' function

    Within BookingsPlus, we have a function where you can check availability at other venues under your control.  This is ideal for multi-site schools, academy or health centre clusters, local authorities or centrally managed schools.  To make this w...
  8. Update your school logo

    If your venue has changed its logo, don't forget to update BookingsPlus! Your logo is stored in 2 places within the system - on invoices and also on your website.  They are both accessed by clicking on the [Manage] tab. Invoices: Click  sele...
  9. Suggested checklists

    Below are examples of 3 checklists which we use for our BookingsGuru service.  These are based on our experience of lettings & designed to be generic to fit to most situations.  Please feel free to copy these & amend to suit your working practices....
  10. Booking categories

    Booking categories help to decipher and classify different types of bookings They are also very useful to analyse bookings for tax purposes, such as to understand how much bookings value is associated with bookings that are not classed as ‘primary p...